

Constrained Co-clustering of Gene Expression Data

14 years 4 months ago
Constrained Co-clustering of Gene Expression Data
In many applications, the expert interpretation of coclustering is easier than for mono-dimensional clustering. Co-clustering aims at computing a bi-partition that is a collection of co-clusters: each co-cluster is a group of objects associated to a group of attributes and these associations can support interpretations. Many constrained clustering algorithms have been proposed to exploit the domain knowledge and to improve partition relevancy in the mono-dimensional case (e.g., using the so-called must-link and cannot-link constraints). Here, we consider constrained co-clustering not only for extended must-link and cannot-link constraints (i.e., both objects and attributes can be involved), but also for interval constraints that enforce properties of co-clusters when considering ordered domains. We propose an iterative coclustering algorithm which exploits user-defined constraints while minimizing the sum-squared residues, i.e., an objective function introduced for gene expression dat...
Ruggero G. Pensa, Jean-François Boulicaut
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where SDM
Authors Ruggero G. Pensa, Jean-François Boulicaut
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