

Knowledge Zone: A Public Repository of Peer-Reviewed Biomedical Ontologies

14 years 1 months ago
Knowledge Zone: A Public Repository of Peer-Reviewed Biomedical Ontologies
Reuse of ontologies is important for achieving better interoperability among health systems and relieving knowledge engineers from the burden of developing ontologies from scratch. Most of the work that aims to facilitate ontology reuse has focused on building ontology libraries that are simple repositories of ontologies or has led to keyword-based search tools that search among ontologies. To our knowledge, there are no operational methodologies that allow users to evaluate ontologies and to compare them in order to choose the most appropriate ontology for their task. In this paper, we present, Knowledge Zone – a Web-based portal that allows users to submit their ontologies, to associate metadata with their ontologies, to search for existing ontologies, to find ontology rankings based on user reviews, to post their own reviews, and to rate reviews
Kaustubh Supekar, Daniel L. Rubin, Natasha F. Noy,
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Kaustubh Supekar, Daniel L. Rubin, Natasha F. Noy, Mark A. Musen
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