

A Live Digital Forensic system for Windows networks

14 years 5 months ago
A Live Digital Forensic system for Windows networks
This paper presents FOXP (computer FOrensic eXPerience), an open source project to support network Live Digital Forensics (LDF), where the network nodes run a Windows NT family Operating System (OS). In particular, the FOXP architecture is composed of a set of software sensors, once for every network node, that log node activities and then send these logs to a FOXP collector node; this collector node analyzes collected data and manages the sensors activities. Software sensors, implementing the technique called System Call Interposition for Win32, intercepts all the kernel API (native API) invoked by the OS of the node. Thanks to the fine granularity of the logs, FOXP can intercept malicious activities. Centralized logs collected in the collector node, allow to detect coordinated-attacks on network nodes: attacks that would not be detectable with a single node analysis only. Note that the implemented System Call Interposition technique has allowed to intercept and redirect all of the 28...
Roberto Battistoni, Alessandro Di Biagio, Roberto
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where SEC
Authors Roberto Battistoni, Alessandro Di Biagio, Roberto Di Pietro, Matteo Formica, Luigi V. Mancini
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