

Semantic Modeling of Digital Multimedia

14 years 4 months ago
Semantic Modeling of Digital Multimedia
- The requirement for a commonly accepted efficient mapping between multimedia metadata standards and semantic web-ontology standards is a major issue recognized by semantic multimedia research community. Though there have been several attempts to translate MPEG-7 audio descriptions to ontology languages there is very little literature that addresses issues associated with streaming video contents. In this paper we outline our plan to develop a methodology and the corresponding software implementation of mapping techniques of MPEG21 video items. The novelty of our effort lies in the fact that we address the complexity of video content’s metadata descriptions and its integration with the well recognized ontological standard through transparent mapping from original XML to RDF description. The validity of the proposed method and implementation detail will be verified against the MOSAICA semantic framework and its use cases.
Babak Akhgar, Jawed I. A. Siddiqi, Fazilatur Rahma
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where MSA
Authors Babak Akhgar, Jawed I. A. Siddiqi, Fazilatur Rahman, Nazaraf Shah, Nahum Korda, Raphael Attias, Norbert Benamou, Maria Teresa Andrade, Judy Dori, Boas Hashavia
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