

Distributed Simulation and Web Map Mash-Up for Forest Fire Spread

14 years 2 months ago
Distributed Simulation and Web Map Mash-Up for Forest Fire Spread
The emergence of recent XML-based technologies paved the way for new types of architectures and message exchanges on the Internet through Web services. MashUps consist in combining existing systems capabilities in order to create new added value services. This paper focuses on a Mash-Up of different Web Services that can be used by emergency planning teams and firefighters to better understand the behavior of wildfires. This mash-up uses a distributed simulation system (DCD++) and it combines it with the Global Weather service, displaying the results on a Google Map. The weather data is combined in real-time with the theoretical fire spreading model to obtain precise results. An XML-based solution has been developed in order to serve performance, interoperability and usability around a two-tier architecture consisting of a Java Servlet and a Javascript client. This effort paves the road for even more advanced solutions integrating the simulation location environment with Geographic In...
Yosri Harzallah, Vincent Michel, Qi Liu, Gabriel A
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Yosri Harzallah, Vincent Michel, Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer
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