

Simulation of ad hoc networks: ns-2 compared to JiST/SWANS

14 years 4 months ago
Simulation of ad hoc networks: ns-2 compared to JiST/SWANS
For the evaluation of ad hoc network protocols, researchers traditionally use simulations because they easily allow for a large number of nodes and reproducible environment conditions. But still, simulations are costly in terms of required processing time and memory. New approaches like the Javabased simulator JiST/SWANS promise to provide significant performance advantages compared to existing, well-known network simulators like ns-2. Though its creators have done comparison studies regarding processing time and memory requirements of JiST/SWANS, they did not test the validity of the results produced by the SWANS stack as well as its performance in detail. In this work, we focus on the comparability of implemented protocols and models in SWANS. Using the corresponding counterparts both in SWANS and ns-2, with an identical set of parameters, we are able to produce results and compare them afterward. In addition, we also provide a performance analysis using these simulations. By showin...
Elmar Schoch, Michael Feiri, Frank Kargl, Michael
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Elmar Schoch, Michael Feiri, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber
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