The augmented graph model, as introduced by Kleinberg (STOC 2000), is an appealing model for analyzing navigability in social networks. Informally, this model is defined by a pair (H, ), where H is a graph in which inter-node distances are supposed to be easy to compute or at least easy to estimate. This graph is "augmented" by links, called longrange links, which are selected according to the probability distribution . The augmented graph model enables the analysis of greedy routing in augmented graphs G (H, ). In greedy routing, each intermediate node handling a message for a target t selects among all its neighbors in G the one that is the closest to t in H and forwards the message to it. This paper addresses the problem of checking whether a given graph G is an augmented graph. It answers part of the questions raised by Kleinberg in his Problem 9 (Int. Congress of Math. 2006). More precisely, given G (H, ), we aim at extracting the base graph H and the long-range links...