

Implementing an RDF/OWL Ontology on Henry the III Fine Rolls

14 years 4 months ago
Implementing an RDF/OWL Ontology on Henry the III Fine Rolls
This paper will describe the creation of an ontology to model information contained in historical documents. It will describe the structure of the RDF/OWL ontology and how the model facilitated the expression and analysis of implicit and hidden information/associations existing in the sources. Some aspects of data processing and delivery based on the ontology, like the generation of indices and the implementation of search mechanisms, will also be described. Key words: Ontologies, RDF/OWL, authority lists, indices, search, medieval documents, family history, career study, Henry the III.
José Vieira, Arianna Ciula
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors José Vieira, Arianna Ciula
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