

Homepage Finding in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Networks

14 years 5 months ago
Homepage Finding in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Networks
This paper illustrates a ranking scheme which combines fulltext, anchor text and URL structure for homepage finding in hybrid peer-to-peer networks. The experimental results show that the proposed ranking scheme permits to find the correct homepages after exploring a small portion of a hybrid, hierarchical peer-to-peer network when the group of peers which includes the peer that stores the correct homepage is selected. A large, highly heterogeneous Web data test collection searched by homepage finding queries was used. The low computational overhead and the good effectiveness allow for an implementation in information retrieval environments.
Enrico Bragante, Massimo Melucci
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where RIAO
Authors Enrico Bragante, Massimo Melucci
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