

Embedding Similarity Joins into Native XML Databases

14 years 2 months ago
Embedding Similarity Joins into Native XML Databases
Similarity joins in databases can be used for several important tasks such as data cleaning and instance-based data integration. In this paper, we explore ways how to support such tasks in a native XML database environment. The main goals of our work are: a) to prove the feasibility of performing tree similarity joins in a general-purpose XML database management system; b) to support string- and tree-based similarity techniques in a unified framework; c) to avoid relying on special data preparation or data structures to support similarity evaluation, such as partitioning or tailor-made index structures; d) to achieve a seamless integration of similarity operators and the existing database architecture.
Leonardo Ribeiro, Theo Härder
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SBBD
Authors Leonardo Ribeiro, Theo Härder
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