

Using the Semantic Web to Integrate Ecoinformatics Resources

14 years 4 months ago
Using the Semantic Web to Integrate Ecoinformatics Resources
We demonstrate an end-to-end use case of the semantic web's utility for synthesizing ecological and environmental data. ELVIS (the Ecosystem Location Visualization and Information System) is a suite of tools for constructing food webs for a given location. ELVIS functionality is exposed as a collection of web services, and all input and output data is expressed in OWL, thereby enabling its integration with other semantic web resources. In particular, we describe using a Triple Shop application to answer SPARQL queries from a collection of semantic web documents.
Cynthia Sims Parr, Andriy Parafiynyk, Joel Sachs,
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AAAI
Authors Cynthia Sims Parr, Andriy Parafiynyk, Joel Sachs, Rong Pan, Lushan Han, Li Ding, Tim Finin, David Wang
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