

Identification and Evaluation of Weak Community Structures in Networks

14 years 1 months ago
Identification and Evaluation of Weak Community Structures in Networks
Identifying intrinsic structures in large networks is a fundamental problem in many fields, such as engineering, social science and biology. In this paper, we are concerned with communities, which are densely connected sub-graphs in a network, and address two critical issues for finding community structures from large experimental data. First, most existing network clustering methods assume sparse networks and networks with strong community structures. In contrast, we consider sparse and dense networks with weak community structures. We introduce a set of simple operations that capture local neighborhood information of a node to identify weak communities. Second, we consider the issue of automatically determining the most appropriate number of communities, a crucial problem for all clustering methods. This requires to properly evaluate the quality of community structures. Built atop a function for network cluster evaluation by Newman and Girvan, we extend their work to weighted graphs...
Jianhua Ruan, Weixiong Zhang
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AAAI
Authors Jianhua Ruan, Weixiong Zhang
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