

Spacetrack: Trading off Quality and Utilization in Oversubscribed Schedules

14 years 4 months ago
Spacetrack: Trading off Quality and Utilization in Oversubscribed Schedules
Many scheduling problems are posed as optimization problems where the goal is to find a feasible schedule that maximizes the utilization of some resource. In some domains it is also necessary to consider the quality of the resulting schedule. In most research these two quantities are independent. This paper introduces a real world problem in which radar tasks must be allocated to track objects in space. We explore the trade-off between off-line task resource utilization and a measure of task quality that correlates to whether tasks are actually successfully executed. We develop two general types of algorithms that differ in the way they reason about quality and explore the trade-off between high quality solutions and solutions with high resource utilization.
Andrew M. Sutton, Adele E. Howe, L. Darrell Whitle
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AIPS
Authors Andrew M. Sutton, Adele E. Howe, L. Darrell Whitley
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