

An Empirical Study of Multi-Point Constructive Search for Constraint-Based Scheduling

14 years 1 months ago
An Empirical Study of Multi-Point Constructive Search for Constraint-Based Scheduling
Multi-point constructive search (MPCS) performs a series of resource-limited backtracking searches where each search begins either from an empty solution (as in randomized restart) or from a solution that has been encountered during the search. We perform a systematic study of MPCS to evaluate the performance impact of various parameter settings. Results using job shop scheduling instances with two different optimization criteria, demonstrate that MPCS-based search is significantly better than standard chronological backtracking and randomized restart while raising a number of questions as to the underlying reasons for the observed performance.
J. Christopher Beck
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AIPS
Authors J. Christopher Beck
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