

Evaluating Mixed-Initiative Systems: An Experimental Approach

14 years 2 months ago
Evaluating Mixed-Initiative Systems: An Experimental Approach
Mixed-Initiative approaches to Planning and Scheduling are being applied in different real world domains. While several recent successful examples of such tools encourage a wider use of this solving paradigm, research in mixed-initiative interaction is still at an early stage and many important issues need to be addressed. In particular, most of the work has been dedicated to designing working prototypes and identifying relevant features of the mixed-initiative interaction, while much less attention has been given to the problem of evaluating the approach as a whole. This article is aimed at addressing some of the many diverse aspects involved in Mixed-Initiative Planning and Scheduling system evaluation, highlighting the need for a methodology to provide effective evaluation studies for this class of tools. In this paper we consider an established research methodology in experimental psychology, and adopt it to investigate specific aspects of mixed-initiative interaction. Specificall...
Gabriella Cortellessa, Amedeo Cesta
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AIPS
Authors Gabriella Cortellessa, Amedeo Cesta
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