

SIMSE: An Interactive Simulation Game for Software Engineering Education

14 years 1 months ago
SIMSE: An Interactive Simulation Game for Software Engineering Education
The typical software engineering education lacks a practical experience of the process of software engineering-students are presented with relevant process theory in lectures, but have limited opportunity to put these concepts into practice in an associated class project. SimSE is an educational, interactive, fully graphical computer game that simulates software engineering processes, and is designed specifically to train students in situations that require an understanding and handling of software process issues. In this paper we describe SimSE, including its educational goals, its design, and its implementation. Key Words Software engineering education, educational games, software engineering simulation, simulation games
Emily Oh Navarro, André van der Hoek
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CATE
Authors Emily Oh Navarro, André van der Hoek
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