

Symbolic Negotiation with Linear Logic

14 years 3 months ago
Symbolic Negotiation with Linear Logic
Abstract. Negotiation over resources and multi-agent planning are important issues in multi-agent systems research. It has been demonstrated [19] how symbolic negotiation and distributed planning together could be formalised as distributed Linear Logic (LL) theorem proving. LL has been chosen mainly because of its expressive power for representation of resources and its computation-oriented nature. This paper extends the previous work by taking advantage of a richer fragment of LL and introducing two sorts of nondeterministic choices into negotiation. This allows agents to reason and negotiate under certain degree of uncertainty. Additionally, a way of granting unbounded access to resources during negotiation is considered. Finally we extend our framework with first-order LL for expressing more complex offers during negotiation.
Peep Küngas, Mihhail Matskin
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Peep Küngas, Mihhail Matskin
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