

Towards effective packet classification

14 years 4 months ago
Towards effective packet classification
A variety of network security services, such as access control in firewalls and protocol analysis in intrusion detection systems, require the discrimination of packets based on the multiple fields of packet header, which is called Multidimensional Packet Classification. In this paper, we propose a very effective packet classification algorithm called Extended Multidimensional Cuttings, ExCuts in short. As an extension of HyperCuts, which is the best-known existing decision tree algorithm, ExCuts refines the node merging mechanism using a two-step discontiguous space aggregation scheme, which minimizes the number of child nodes. To further reduce the memory usage of the decision tree structure, ExCuts adopts a bit string mapping scheme to compress the large pointer arrays in internal nodes. Due to the significant memory reduction, ExCuts is able to pick a fixed number of cuttings and thus provides explicit worst-case search time. Experimental results show that ExCuts outperforms the be...
Yaxuan Qi, Jun Li
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CNIS
Authors Yaxuan Qi, Jun Li
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