

Acoustic Surveillance of Physically Unmodified PCs

14 years 1 months ago
Acoustic Surveillance of Physically Unmodified PCs
Computer equipment produces a wide range of emanations in the visible, electromagnetic, and acoustic spectra. It is well known that electromagnetic emanations can reveal information about the operations being performed by a machine, and it has recently been shown that acoustic emanations can do the same. Additionally, techniques have been developed to manipulate electromagnetic emanations so that they surreptitiously transmit data to a remote receiver. In this paper, we similarly demonstrate how acoustic emanations can be manipulated to transmit arbitrary data and show how this technique can be used to create a practical, software-only acoustic keylogger. Finally, we recommend countermeasures to prevent such an attack from being performed.
Michael LeMay, Jack Tan
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Michael LeMay, Jack Tan
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