

Using Synthetic Decoys to Digitally Watermark Personally-Identifying Data and to Promote Data Security

14 years 2 months ago
Using Synthetic Decoys to Digitally Watermark Personally-Identifying Data and to Promote Data Security
Identity theft continues to be an ever-present problem. Identity theft and other related crimes are becoming an unparalleled phenomenon that nearly everyone will have to deal with in some way in the coming years. As the number of people affected by identity theft and data spills has grown into the tens of millions, more needs to be done in the way of providing mechanisms to secure personally identifying data, including data consisting of social security numbers, names, addresses, and phone numbers. One such mechanism that would enhance security is the use of realistic synthetic decoy records. These decoys would be inserted into the actual data in such a way that only the person or program that inserted the decoys can tell what is real and what is synthetic. Also, these decoys could also be created in such a way that they are probabilistically unique, making a kind of watermark for that particular dataset. This paper examines a method by which identity theft can be combated by using de...
Jonathan White, Dale Thompson
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Jonathan White, Dale Thompson
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