

Legal issues of personalized e-commerce applications

14 years 2 months ago
Legal issues of personalized e-commerce applications
Most e-commerce applications require the collection and storing of information about customers. As a consequence, the performed transactions involve legal issues. For two years, the authors have been involved in a project, which studies the potentials of personalization of e-commerce systems from the particular angle of SMEs. The paper picks up a couple of scenarios that many e-commerce vendors face when implementing personalization on their Web sites. The specific focus of the discussion is the legal use of costumer profiles for e-commerce applications. Since most legal issues are difficult to understand for non-lawyers the paper makes use of a case study, which shows explicitly what ecommerce vendors need to keep in mind when implementing personalization on their Web sites.
Petra Schubert, Mathias Kummer, Uwe Leimstoll
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECIS
Authors Petra Schubert, Mathias Kummer, Uwe Leimstoll
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