

To play, or not to play: building a learning environment through computer simulations

14 years 1 months ago
To play, or not to play: building a learning environment through computer simulations
This article analyzes the impact of a computer simulation (business game) on the users' perceived learning. The theoretical model developed in this paper is derived from the collaborative learning and the Human-Computer Interaction assumptions. The hypotheses relating groups' dynamics and the user-computer interface design with the users' perceived learning are tested using the business game "FirmReality", on an 89 respondents sample. Multiple regression and qualitative results show that, in a computer based simulation context, perceived learning is more influenced by human-computer interaction factors rather than groups dynamics.
Luigi Proserpio, Magni Magni
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ECIS
Authors Luigi Proserpio, Magni Magni
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