

A Data Network for Health e-Research

14 years 4 months ago
A Data Network for Health e-Research
: Sharing health data for research purposes across data custodian boundaries poses technical, organisational and ethical challenges. We describe a service oriented architecture for a proposed Health Research Data Network (HRDN). The HRDN architecture supports services to manage data access and use by researchers in accordance with individual data custodian policies. The capabilities of the HRDN architecture are described using a layered service he four abstract layers from lowest level to the highest level are 1) Preparing, 2) Storing, 3) Sharing and 4) Using. Two additional groups of services are interfaced with the services in each of the four layers. They are 1) Describing, with services for collecting and managing metadata, and 2) Protecting, with services for ensuring confidentiality and privacy protection, as well as services and tools implementing information security functions. In addition to these HRDN service groups, client-side applications are used by data custodians, servi...
Kerry L. Taylor, Christine M. O'Keefe, John Colton
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ECEH
Authors Kerry L. Taylor, Christine M. O'Keefe, John Colton, Rohan A. Baxter, Ross Sparks, Mark A. Cameron, Laurent Lefort, Uma Srinivasan
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