This paper reports a multidisciplinary research between computer science and plastic and reconstructive surgery. In particular, a new method is proposed to unambiguously define a geometric partitioning of a large thoracic area including the breast mound. The new technique uses only well-defined anatomical points, defined and selected by surgeons. A simple sequence of geometric operations is performed to partition the breast surface into four anatomic subunits, according to clinically derived breast meridian and equator lines. Using this breast shape partition, useful measurement can be extrapolated on 3D model data set. Our method has been validated on a number of breast 3D models acquired by means of a commercial scanner on real clinical cases collected by Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan (INT). Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]: Applications; General Terms: Biomedical 3D Scanning and Modeling