

Using XML Languages for Modeling and Web-Visualization of Geographical Legacy Data

14 years 3 months ago
Using XML Languages for Modeling and Web-Visualization of Geographical Legacy Data
In our aim to modernize geographical legacy data from the German office of geographical survey with XML languages, we first modeled the data in GML, a standard language for geography markup. The resulting model has then been used as a template for a JAVA application that assembles the necessary information from the legacy data and writes it into a GML document. During the second part of our work we mapped GML with the extensible style-sheet language for transformation (XSLT) into scalable vector graphics (SVG). The resulting SVG graphics share close resemblance to official maps.
Brigitte Mathiak, Andreas Kupfer, Karl Neumann
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Brigitte Mathiak, Andreas Kupfer, Karl Neumann
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