

The Bosco Project - A JMI-Compliant Template-based Code Generator

14 years 4 months ago
The Bosco Project - A JMI-Compliant Template-based Code Generator
Bosco is a code generation tool, which goal is to accept any MOF model as parameter and follow the evolution of OMG standards. It generates the underlying model (also called repository) for any modeling language expressed in MOF. In other words, it reads XMI files and generates the corresponding source code, in different object-oriented languages (Java, Eiffel, Python, C++). In the case of Java, the generated code implements the JMI specification. In Bosco, any user can program add-ins at each level using the visitor pattern and the template technology.
Pascal André, Gilles Ardourel, Gerson Suny&
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Pascal André, Gilles Ardourel, Gerson Sunyé
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