

Area-Efficient Visualization of Web Data

14 years 4 months ago
Area-Efficient Visualization of Web Data
With the explosion of the Internet the World Wide Web today has become an infinite source of information. Hence, it is important that one be able to categorize, understand and be able to "view" this data efficiently. In this paper we propose a new system for visualizing Web data efficiently. We assume that data on the Web can be categorized, for example depending on context or on the basis of a Web user's visit-patterns to Web sites. We group this data in the form of a tree structure. Our system uses a novel area-efficient tree-visualization algorithm to visualize and present these large data sets in as small an area as possible, which is of importance due to the large amount of data that may have to be represented. We present a few exemplary situations in which our system can be used.
Vishal Anand, Keith Hansen, Radu Jianu, Adrian Rus
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where IC
Authors Vishal Anand, Keith Hansen, Radu Jianu, Adrian Rusu
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