

Cognitive Simulation in Virtual Patients

14 years 4 months ago
Cognitive Simulation in Virtual Patients
We present an overview of the Virtual Patient project at the University of Maryland, which is developing a cognitive model of humans experiencing various states of health and disease to be used in interactive simulations for physician training. Overview This Virtual Patient1 project is devoted to creating a cognitive, knowledge-based model of a virtual patient (VP) that undergoes both normal and pathological physiological processes. VPs are ontological objects, specifically, subclasses of VIRTUAL-HUMAN that have various diseases and disorders. Like all VIRTUALHUMANs, their large inventory of property-value pairs changes in response to ontological events, including internal and external stimuli. All VPs inherit the lion's share of physiology from VIRTUAL-HUMAN, meaning that GERD-PATIENT and HEART-DISEASE-PATIENT (as ontological concepts, not instances) differ only with respect to the disease-specific changes that affect certain of their property values over time. A cornerstone of ...
Sergei Nirenburg, Marjorie McShane, Stephen Beale,
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Sergei Nirenburg, Marjorie McShane, Stephen Beale, Thomas P. O'Hara, Bruce Jarrell, George Fantry, John Raczek
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