

Nearest neighbor search through function minimization

14 years 1 months ago
Nearest neighbor search through function minimization
This paper describes a solution to the nearest neighbor problem. The proposed algorithm, which makes use of the triangle inequality property, is considered from a function minimization perspective. The distance function is regularized through the computation of distance to a reference point; an initial starting point is rapidly found, and used in an iterative refinement using search over a sorted list. The algorithm is described, and simulation results are provided that suggest better performance than that obtained with spatial partition techniques such as Elias and k-d tree, for moderate size point sets.
Chang Shu, Michael A. Greenspan, Guy Godin
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where CCCG
Authors Chang Shu, Michael A. Greenspan, Guy Godin
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