

Understanding Analysis Dimensions in a Multidimensional Object-Oriented Model

14 years 4 months ago
Understanding Analysis Dimensions in a Multidimensional Object-Oriented Model
OLAP defines a set of data warehousing query tools characterized by providing a multidimensional view of data. Information can be shown at different aggregation levels (often called granularities) for each dimension. In this paper, we try to outline the benefits of understanding the relationships between those aggregation levels as PartWhole relationships, and how it helps to address some semantic problems. Moreover, we propose the usage of other Object-Oriented constructs to keep as much semantics as possible in analysis dimensions. Key Words: Multidimensional modeling, Analysis dimensions, Mereology, Object-Oriented modeling, On-Line Analytical Processing
Alberto Abelló, José Samos, Fè
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where DMDW
Authors Alberto Abelló, José Samos, Fèlix Saltor
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