

Mobile RMI: Supporting Remote Access to Java Server Objects on Mobile Hosts

14 years 1 months ago
Mobile RMI: Supporting Remote Access to Java Server Objects on Mobile Hosts
Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is a specification for building distributed object-oriented applications. RMI was designed primarily for use in conventional, wired computing environments and provides no mechanisms to allow objects hosted by mobile, wireless-enabled computers to interact with other RMI objects. Mobile devices regularly change their point of connection to the Internet making the task of correctly locating and invoking methods on the hosted RMI server objects difficult. The nature of wireless communication also means that the TCP/IP connections used to access these RMI objects are frequently broken, potentially resulting in data being lost and leaving the two communicating parties in inconsistent states. This paper outlines an architecture that supports such mobile RMI objects and describes an implementation of this architecture and its performance. This architecture provides mobility support in the form of two main components. The first is a session layer component ...
Tom Wall, Vinny Cahill
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where DOA
Authors Tom Wall, Vinny Cahill
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