

Shortest Paths in Two Intersecting Pencils of Lines

14 years 1 months ago
Shortest Paths in Two Intersecting Pencils of Lines
Suppose one has a line arrangement and one wants to find a shortest path from one point lying on a line of the arrangement to another such point. We look at a special case: the arrangement consists of two intersecting pencils (sets of lines where all intersect in a point), and the path endpoints are at opposite corners of the largest quadrilateral formed. The open problem was to find a shortest path in o(n2 ) time. We prove here that there are only two possible shortest paths, and the shortest path can thus be computed in O(n) time.
David Hart
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CCCG
Authors David Hart
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