

Towards a theory of architectural knowledge integration capability: A test of an empirical model in e-business project teams

14 years 4 months ago
Towards a theory of architectural knowledge integration capability: A test of an empirical model in e-business project teams
Knowledge is now recognized as the key differentiating resource among firms. The ability to integrate widely held knowledge to derive new products and services constitutes a meta-capability from which streams new and of innovative capabilities continually emerge. This paper reports on an on-going study that empirically operationalizes new measures, and tests and validates a model of team-level knowledge integration capability in fast paced, knowledge intensive, dynamic e-business project teams. Relationships and complementarities among structural intangibles such as relational capital, cultural orientation, and absorptive capacity of teams and their ability to integrate component knowledge into project-specific architectural knowledge are empirically tested.
Amrit Tiwana, Ephraim R. McLean
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where ECIS
Authors Amrit Tiwana, Ephraim R. McLean
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