

A note on proximity spaces and connection based mereology

14 years 4 months ago
A note on proximity spaces and connection based mereology
-- Representation theorems for systems of regions have been of interest for some time, and various contexts have been used for this purpose: Mormann [17] has demonstrated the fruitfulness of the methods of continuous lattices to obtain a topological representation theorem for his formalisation of Whiteheadian ontological theory of space; similar results have been obtained by Roeper [20]. In this note, we prove a topological representation theorem for a connection based class of systems, using methods and tools from the theory of proximity spaces. The key novelty is a new proximity semantics for connection relations. Keywords -- Proximity space, pointless geometry, mereology, connection relation
Dimiter Vakarelov, Ivo Düntsch, Brandon Benne
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where FOIS
Authors Dimiter Vakarelov, Ivo Düntsch, Brandon Bennett
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