

Scientist, Politician, and Bureaucrat Subcultures as Barriers to Information-Sharing in Government Agencies

14 years 4 months ago
Scientist, Politician, and Bureaucrat Subcultures as Barriers to Information-Sharing in Government Agencies
This paper is based on an exploratory, interdisciplinary study of issues related to information-sharing within and across three public agencies. We build on Schein’s (1996) work to identify three subcultures within the public sector (bureaucrat, politician and scientist).. We propose four types of systems (social, constituency, technical and organizational) related to the information and decision-making needs and processes within subcultures. We use two cases from the study to illustrate some key points about information-sharing across sub-cultures, and close with four challenges in need of further study to enhance the abilities within the public sector to appropriately and effectively share information.
David B. Drake, Marianne J. Koch, Nicole Steckler
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DGO
Authors David B. Drake, Marianne J. Koch, Nicole Steckler
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