

Identifying Critical Interaction Scenarios for Innovative User Modeling

14 years 4 months ago
Identifying Critical Interaction Scenarios for Innovative User Modeling
Usability testing typically focuses on methodology and metrics, while the specific interactions being tested are chosen in an ad hoc way. This paper demonstrates a framework for organizing interaction scenarios for l user interfaces (GUI). The framework is an adaptation of the two-dimensional abstraction hierarchy introduced by Rasmussen [1] in which an interaction consists of a purpose, functionality, and form. Interactions for a GUI are organized into four main categories, with numerous subtasks. The four main categories determined are 1) object manipulation, 2) content manipulation, 3) view manipulation, and 4) information presentation. The general framework can guide evaluators in choosing key interaction scenarios for GUI applications across a diverse array of user capabilities.
V. Katie Emery, Julie A. Jacko, Thitima Kongnakorn
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where HCI
Authors V. Katie Emery, Julie A. Jacko, Thitima Kongnakorn, Vipat Kuruchittham, Steven Landry, George McLeland Nickles, Andrew Sears, Justin Whittle
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