

Image mosaicing using local optical flow registration

15 years 1 months ago
Image mosaicing using local optical flow registration
Cylindrical panoramic mosaics can be created by aligning and stitching images from a series, captured by a camera rotating around its optical center. The transformation between two images must then be found. Existing methods compute a global transformation for the whole image starting from pixels in the overlapping region. This global transformation, due to local distortions often results in ghost problems in the overlapping region which have to be handled with some deghosting algorithm. This paper proposes to directly use optical flow in order to find a pixelwise registration in the overlapping region, reducing ghost problems. The optical flow is computed using a multiresolution computational algebraic topology approach.
François Deschênes, Marie Flavie Aucl
Added 05 Nov 2009
Updated 06 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICPR
Authors François Deschênes, Marie Flavie Auclair-Fortier, Nadège Rebière
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