

Resolving Schema and Value Heterogeneities for XML Web Querying

14 years 2 months ago
Resolving Schema and Value Heterogeneities for XML Web Querying
To query XML data over the Web, query engines need to be able to resolve semantic differences between heterogeneous attributes that are conceptually similar. This demo presents a mapping tool and method to resolve semantic heterogeneity at the schema and value levels for data sets that are part of a Web-based information system. The mapping tool automatically produces agreement files. We enhanced a base prototype XML Web query system to include an ontology subsystem that generates subqueries using the agreement information. Other contributions include the use of minimal metadata to locate data sets, a formal language construct to support query re-write called a GeoSpace, and post-query aggregate statistics and spatial display.
Nancy Wiegand, Naijun Zhou, Stephen J. Ventura, Is
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DGO
Authors Nancy Wiegand, Naijun Zhou, Stephen J. Ventura, Isabel F. Cruz, William Sunna
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