

3D Face Recognition Using Longitudinal Section and Transection

14 years 4 months ago
3D Face Recognition Using Longitudinal Section and Transection
In this paper, a new practical implementation of a person verification system using features of longitudinal section and transection and other facial, rotation compensated 3D face image, is proposed. The approach works by finding the nose tip that has a protrusion shape on the face. In feature recognition of 3D face image, one has to take into consideration the orientated frontal posture to normalize. Next, the special points in regions, such as nose, eyes and mouth are detected. The depth of nose, the area of nose and the volume of nose based both on a longitudinal section and transection are calculated. The eye interval and mouth width are also computed. Finally, the 12 features on the face were extracted. The L1 measure for comparing two feature vectors were used, because it is simple and robust. In the experimental results, proposed method can be made recognition rate of 95.5% for the longitudinal section and transection.
Yeung-hak Lee
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Yeung-hak Lee
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