

Graphical Interfaces for Racer: Querying DAML+OIL and RDF Documents

14 years 4 months ago
Graphical Interfaces for Racer: Querying DAML+OIL and RDF Documents
In this paper, we introduce RICE, a graphical application for interacting with the description logic inference server Racer. Comparing RICE with OilEd, we address the problem of visualizing and querying A-boxes w.r.t. predefined Tboxes. We discuss examples with T-boxes and A-boxes that are derived from DAML+OIL and RDF documents, respectively. Thus, the visualization tools discussed in this paper also apply to semantic web representation languages. 1 Motivation Graphical interfaces are very important for practical work with description logic (DL) inference systems. However, very few graphical interfaces are available for existing DL systems. A notable exception is OilEd [1]. With tools such as OilEd, ontologies can be interactively built and they can be stored, for example, as DAML+OIL documents [7]. In addition, OilEd can be used to develop RDF documents for describing information about individuals with respect to DAML+OIL ontologies. Applications using these RDF and DAML+OIL docume...
Ralf Möller, Ronald Cornet, Volker Haarslev
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DLOG
Authors Ralf Möller, Ronald Cornet, Volker Haarslev
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