

How Realistic is Realism? Considerations on the Aesthetics of Computer Games

14 years 2 months ago
How Realistic is Realism? Considerations on the Aesthetics of Computer Games
One of the major goals in the development of virtual environments in recent years has been to create more and more realistic scenery, characters and natural human forms of interaction with the environment. We question this approach especially for the domain of computer games for two main reasons. Firstly we argue the following: When the absolute difference between reality and virtual environments decreases one would expect the latter to become increasingly believable for a spectator. Paradoxically often the opposite is true since the attention of the spectator gets drawn to the remaining differences to a greater extent. Secondly we ask ourselves why of all things computer games which are created for entertainment should be limited with real world constraints and are not used to experience features that are only possible in virtual environments. We conclude with a 'manifesto' for the renovation of computer games.
Richard Wages, Stefan Grünvogel, Benno Gr&uum
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where IWEC
Authors Richard Wages, Stefan Grünvogel, Benno Grützmacher
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