
ACL Anthology

Bootstrapping statistical parsers from small datasets

14 years 1 months ago
Bootstrapping statistical parsers from small datasets
We present a practical co-training method for bootstrapping statistical parsers using a small amount of manually parsed training material and a much larger pool of raw sentences. Experimental results show that unlabelled sentences can be used to improve the performance of statistical parsers. In addition, we consider the problem of bootstrapping parsers when the manually parsed training material is in a different domain to either the raw sentences or the testing material. We show that bootstrapping continues to be useful, even though no manually produced parses from the target domain are used.
Mark Steedman, Anoop Sarkar, Miles Osborne, Rebecc
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where EACL
Authors Mark Steedman, Anoop Sarkar, Miles Osborne, Rebecca Hwa, Stephen Clark, Julia Hockenmaier, Paul Ruhlen, Steven Baker, Jeremiah Crim
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