

Behavior Planning for a Reflexive Agent

14 years 4 months ago
Behavior Planning for a Reflexive Agent
The aim of our research is to build a Reflexive Agent, that is able to either manifest an emotion it is feeling or to hide it. If the Agent decides to manifest its emotion, it can establish what verbal or nonverbal signals to employ in its communication and how to combine and synchronize them. In the decision of whether to express an emotion in a given context, a number of factors are considered, such as the Agent's own personality and goals, the Interlocutor's characteristics and the context. In planning how to communicate an emotion, various factors are considered as well: the available modalities (face, gaze, voice etc); the cognitive ease in producing and processing the various signals; the expressiveness of every signal in communicating specific meanings; and, finally, the appropriateness of signals to social situations.
Berardina De Carolis, Catherine Pelachaud, Isabell
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Berardina De Carolis, Catherine Pelachaud, Isabella Poggi, Fiorella de Rosis
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