

The transformation of work in european banks: an analysis of IT skills

14 years 4 months ago
The transformation of work in european banks: an analysis of IT skills
Researches that have recently investigated the impact of developments in Information Technologies (IT) on human capital in the banking industry analysed only marginally the evolution of IT skills inside the organization or, when they did it properly, they limited the analysis only on specialized IT skills. Given the criticality of skills shortage stemming by higher investments in IT systems, the present article combines case studies and a survey on a sample of European banks in order to investigate the allocation of non specialized IT competencies of banks, their trend and connection with organizational changes. The study confirms that the new organizational models, based on the overcoming of the traditional bureaucratic organizational forms, are correlated with an overall upskilling concerning IT competencies. The results obtained about the growth of IT skills imply a “substitution” phenomenon between competencies about the working tools (Information Technology) and competencies ...
Paolo Neirotti, Emilio Paolucci
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ECIS
Authors Paolo Neirotti, Emilio Paolucci
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