

Conceptualizing the three dimensions of inter-organizational communities of practice

14 years 1 months ago
Conceptualizing the three dimensions of inter-organizational communities of practice
The paper describes and analyzes the way in which a particular case company stimulated the development of communities of practice as a vehicle for encouraging product and process innovation. Some unique features of these communities were explored. In particular the involvement of retired engineers and the inclusion of external parties were both found to contribute to the effectiveness of these communities. More specifically, the effectiveness of these communities were discussed in relation to three dimensions – structural, strategic and technological. Analysis of these three dimensions was useful in examining the role played by these communities within the case company. The paper concludes by considering the lessons for managers that can be drawn from this analysis.
Sue Newell, Robert D. Galliers, Jimmy C. Huang
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ECIS
Authors Sue Newell, Robert D. Galliers, Jimmy C. Huang
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