

Acquiring Conceptual Relationships from Domain-Specific Texts

14 years 2 months ago
Acquiring Conceptual Relationships from Domain-Specific Texts
Here is discussed how to construct domain ontologies with both taxonomic and non-taxonomic conceptual relationships, exploiting a machinereadable dictionary (MRD) and domain-specific texts. The taxonomic relationships come from WordNet in the interaction with a domain expert, using the following two strategies: match result analysis and trimmed result analysis. The non-taxonomic relationships come from domainspecific texts with the analysis of lexical cooccurrence statistics; based on WordSpace to represent lexical items according to how semantically close they are to one another. We have done case studies in the field of law. The empirical results show us that our environment can support a user in constructing domain ontologies.
Takahira Yamaguchi
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Takahira Yamaguchi
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