

Issues affecting benefit realisation in electronic marketplaces

14 years 4 months ago
Issues affecting benefit realisation in electronic marketplaces
In the complex and dynamic environment of electronic marketplaces, organisations need to identify the issues that will impact on their identification and realisation of benefits. This research uses a case study of a multinational organisation to further an understanding of the perceived benefits gained in the early stages of participation in an e-marketplace for the purchase of goods and services. The research uses a framework of IS evaluation taxonomies to identify where anticipated benefits lie. The issues affecting the realisation of these benefits are then discussed to distinguish their potential relevance to other organisations. Lessons for prospective e-marketplace participants emphasise the need for detailed planning for early recognition of information needs and of structures for managing communication flows. Other lessons highlight the importance of recognising the impact of participation on individuals and on relationships. Two lessons of particular significance relate to th...
Rosemary Stockdale, Craig Standing
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ECIS
Authors Rosemary Stockdale, Craig Standing
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