

Theories of Access Consciousness

14 years 4 months ago
Theories of Access Consciousness
Theories of access consciousness address how it is that some mental states but not others are available for evaluation, choice behavior, and verbal report. Farah, O'Reilly, and Vecera (1994) argue that quality of representation is critical; Dehaene, Sergent, and Changeux (2003) argue that the ability to communicate representations is critical. We present a probabilistic information transmission or PIT model that suggests both of these conditions are essential for access consciousness. Having successfully modeled data from the repetition priming literature in the past, we use the PIT model to account for data from two experiments on subliminal priming, showing that the model produces priming even in the absence of accessibility and reportability of internal states. The model provides a mechanistic basis for understanding the dissociation of priming and awareness. Philosophy has made many attempts to identify distinct aspects of consciousness. Perhaps the most famous effort is Bloc...
Michael D. Colagrosso, Michael C. Mozer
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where NIPS
Authors Michael D. Colagrosso, Michael C. Mozer
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