

Interaction with Multiply Linked Image Maps: Smooth Extraction of Embedded Text

14 years 4 months ago
Interaction with Multiply Linked Image Maps: Smooth Extraction of Embedded Text
In this paper we introduce a new technique for presenting textual information within images and for enabling users to interact with these texts. Our method relies on shading images using text-based dither matrices; users extract text by effectively enlarging the dither matrices to the point where text becomes legible. Transitions between matrix sizes are carried out step by step and can be implemented at interactive rates so that the process of extracting text is seen as an animation. The technique can be used in electronic books for users wishing to explore images. It also provides the first solution for working smoothly with multiply linked image maps.
Thomas Strothotte, Wallace Chigona, Marcel Gö
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where MC
Authors Thomas Strothotte, Wallace Chigona, Marcel Götze, Stefan Schlechtweg
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