

Heuristics for Ordering Cue Search in Decision Making

14 years 4 months ago
Heuristics for Ordering Cue Search in Decision Making
Simple lexicographic decision heuristics that consider cues one at a time in a particular order and stop searching for cues as soon as a decision can be made have been shown to be both accurate and frugal in their use of information. But much of the simplicity and success of these heuristics comes from using an appropriate cue order. For instance, the Take The Best heuristic uses validity order for cues, which requires considerable computation, potentially undermining the computational advantages of the simple decision mechanism. But many cue orders can achieve good decision performance, and studies of sequential search for data records have proposed a number of simple ordering rules that may be of use in constructing appropriate decision cue orders as well. Here we consider a range of simple cue ordering mechanisms, including tallying, swapping, and move-to-front rules, and show that they can find cue orders that lead to reasonable accuracy and considerable frugality when used with l...
Peter M. Todd, Anja Dieckmann
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where NIPS
Authors Peter M. Todd, Anja Dieckmann
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